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Manhattan SC 曼哈顿语法问题

在 Manhattan SC 第二章 Problem Set 里面有几道测试题,看了释义还是有点疑惑,于是发上来,求助一下大家: 这部分题目是给出两个句子,判断对错。 1: The driver took the people for a ride who had been waiting. The driver took the people who had been waiting for a ride. 我的判断是两句话都对,理由是因为句子意思都是通顺的,第一句采用了倒装避免头重脚轻(杨鹏长难句中常见)。但是书本给出的答案是第二句是对的,因为 who 引导的定语从句放在 ride 后面会引起歧义。但我觉得这个解释有点牵强,怎么解? 2: She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, watering the more than 50 plants in her yard every day. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, watering more than the 50 plants in her yard every day. 我一开始的判断是两句话都不对,因为一般我们的惯用说法是 more than 50 plants,没有 the。所以想请教一下 1)the more than 50 plants 2)more than the 50 plants 3)more than 50 plants 三者之间的区别,以及这三个的用法。 3: Hector remembers SF as it was when he left 10 years ago. Hector remembers SF as though he had left ten years ago. 我的判断是原句正确。书本给出的答案是两句话都正确,第一句话正确就不解释了,第二句话书本的理由是 “as though is used to disuss things that are untrue or did not happen”。和中文解释“似乎、好像”比较一致,但是如果用似乎、好像放在第二句中进行翻译,又解释不通,Hector remembers SF as though he had left ten years ago. 解释成“H 记得 SF 城似乎/好像他 10 年前离开” ,难道不应该是:“H 记得 SF 城似乎/好像他 10 年前没有离开”这样比较符合逻辑吗? 这三个问题,希望大家帮我看看,感谢感谢。
