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本帖最后由 sda 于 2017-11-06编辑

对于备考GMAT的同学来说,CR的问题类型大家都不陌生,考生在备考过程中或者在考试中最常遇见的题型包括:strengthen、weaken、explain、evaluation、assumption、blank、conclusion等等,但实际上,GMAT CR的题型却并不仅仅局限于这几种,有几个相对来说超低频的问题类型大家也应有所耳闻,以应对在考试中可能出现的情况。下面就带大家一起来看一下这几个不常见题型:

1、Main point


a. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main conclusion of the argument?

b. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the conclusion of the journalist’s argument?

c. Which one of the following most accurately restates the main point of the passage?

d. The main point of the argument is that

这种题型出现,要注意它与普通结论题(must be true)的区别:Main Point题的正确选项不光要从题干信息直接得出,而且必须总结题目中作者的观点,因此即使一个选项真实性为true但是没有概括作者观点也是不对的,亦或者仅仅是重复论证的前提也是毫无意义的。

2、Method of reasoning (高分题库的标志)


a. Which of the following describes how the argument above is developed?

b. Which of the following describes the technique of reasoning used above…

c. Which of the following is an argumentative strategy employed in the argument…

d. The argument employs which one of the following reasoning techniques…


3、Flaw in the reasoning(高分题库的标志)


a. Which of the following most accurately describes a flaw in the reasoning…

b. The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument…

c. The reasoning above is flawed because it fails to recognize that…

d. The questionable aspect of the reasoning above is that it…

该题型题目本身的论证一定是无效的,正确选项需要表明论证的漏洞在哪,要注意此题型与weaken题有区别:weaken是要找到能够进一步削弱原文推论的选项,而flaw in the reasoning 只要指出原文推论的问题就行。

4、Parallel reasoning


a. Which of the following arguments is most similar in its pattern of reasoning to the argument above?

b. Which of the following arguments is most closely parallel in its reasoning to the reasoning in the argument above?

c. Which of the following arguments is most similar to logical features /in its pattern of reasoning?


以上就是分享给大家的高分题型。这几种类型就是大家在备考过程中以及在实际考试过程中遇到频率较低的题型,其中后三种都跟推理方式相关,有一定的关联性,而Method of reasoning和 Flaw in the reasoning 两个题型,往往只有在考试过程中表现较好的同学才能见得到,因此力求高分的同学还是要在备考过程中对这两种题型有所接触。


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